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What Classic Car

Classic Cars, Clubs, News, Directory

What Classic Car

Classic Cars, Clubs, News, Directory

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Bristol Owners’ Club (BOC)

Bristol Owners’ Club (BOC)



A friendly, sociable club for all who appreciate and enjoy Bristol cars. A friendly, sociable club for all who appreciate and enjoy Bristol cars.

We have more than 850 members around the world – all of whom enjoy access to our Bristol cars discussion forum, technical advice, resources, sales advertisements and handy discounts.

The BOC also has a busy social calendar, including everything from specialist seminars and team events, to pub lunches and overseas tours. We encourage members to take part and also involve their families wherever possible.


If you’re thinking of buying a Bristol car, we’re confident you’ll find your fellow members an invaluable source of knowledge and support. We also maintain an up-to-date list of cars for sale and offer guidance about reliable sellers, so you can be confident in your investment.


The BOC runs a knowledge base which provides technical information about Bristol cars and owners’ experiences. We also have a forum on Yahoo, where members exchange details and knowledge with each other; a list of sources for parts; a list of specialist garages recommended by members; and copies of useful paperwork, including owner handbooks, drivers manuals and parts manuals (all available via this website).


As well as our online forum where you can chat to other members, the BOC publishes regular newsletters and bulletins. As a member, you’ll have access to current and back issues via our online library – and there’s also an archive of scanned images to delve into.



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